Understanding Artificial Intelligence : How it Works and Its Importance in Daily Life
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence : Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that…
Senior Citizens and Social Media: Exploring their Online Behavior and the Impact of Facebook
Senior Citizens and Social Media: As the world becomes increasingly digital, more and more people,…
The Impact of Social Media on the Present Generation
In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. It…
The Misinterpretation of Bachittar Natak: A Closer Look at Sikh Philosophy
1. Introduction "Bachittar Natak, part of the Dasam Granth (DS), is a controversial text of…
Details and Controversies Surrounding the Chandi Charitar in the Bachitra Natak of Dasam Granth
The Chandi Charitar is a section of the Bachitra Natak, which is a composition included…
Bachittar Natak: An Introduction to a Controversial Part of Dasam Granth
Introduction Bachittar Natak is a prominent composition that forms a part of the Dasam Granth,…
Suppressed Emotions: The Unspoken Tears on men
In many societies, an ingrained stereotype persists — the notion that men should not openly…
Religion and Conflict : The Role of Religion in Human Conflict
Throughout history, religion has played a significant role in shaping human societies and cultures. While…
Understanding the Dasam Granth: Contents and Recognition
The Dasam Granth, also known as the Dasam Patshah Ka Granth, is a religious scripture…