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Is Our World a Hell for Other world?

heaven and hell, cathedral

aldoushuxley1-2x-1024x538 Is Our World a Hell for Other world?

Heaven and Hell (स्वर्ग और नरक)

Many religions describe both heaven (swarag) and hell (narak). Imagine another world somewhere in the universe (brahmand) (ब्रह्मांड) where they also have their own versions of heaven and hell. It’s possible that their heaven is a different place, while their hell might be our world, where they send souls to suffer. In our world, with a population of around 8 billion, at least 800 million people in India alone struggle with hunger, relying on subsidies for survival. Given these conditions, it’s hard to consider our world as ‘heaven’ (pritamvad,प्रीतमवाद).

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